In World Tales, Hobey Ford shares folklore and fables from different cultures through his artfully-crafted rod and shadow puppets. Hobey is a part of Rye History through his family history. His grandparents, Simeon and Julia Ford, used to own the Knapp House. Hobey will return to our community through modern technology for a fun-filled Saturday morning. His stories and puppets are sure to delight children of all ages. Program is approximately 1 hour.
International touring puppetry artist, Hobey Ford, has performed on stages around the world with his unique style of puppetry. Two time winner of puppetry's highest honor, the UNIMA Citation of Excellence, and recipient of three Jim Henson Foundation grants, Hobey Ford is known for excellence in puppetry, performance and craft. He is a Kennedy Center teaching artist and inventor of Peepers Puppet, a set of eyes worn on the hand transforming the bare hand into a puppet. He lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina near Asheville.
$20/family (Registration includes a Peepers Puppet for each child)
Registrants will receive a Zoom link prior to the event